Do a Mid-year Cleanup of Your Lists

10/1/2021 by Justin

Do a Mid-year Cleanup of Your Lists

When was the last time you checked your lists to make sure they are accurate? Perhaps you’ve gotten some returned mail or maybe your response rate is down. If you’re not getting the follow-up you had hoped for, it might be time for a mid-year cleanup.

List scrubbing can help you save money because you aren’t sending out mailers to bad addresses. When you run your list through OLM’s scrubbing service, you get updated information to fix any out of date information. You’ll also find out if any of your leads are deceased, which means you can either drop them off the list or find out who the heir is and change the mailing name and address.

Our list scrubbing services include identifying vacancies, apartment appends, and lite skip tracing. Once you have the new information, you can update your lists for future mailings.

Why Schedule a Mid-Year List Cleanup?

It’s easy to forget the last time you cleaned up your list if you don’t have a set schedule. You may notice your response rate is going down but not take the time to figure out why. If you put a cleanup on your calendar and follow through, you can prevent those decreased response rates.

You can set the cleanup any time you want, but you should make it an ongoing task to ensure you’re not missing out on valuable leads.

To find out how OLM can help you keep your list up to date, give us a call at 978-269-0245.

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